Engagement Watches
While a women’s engagement ring has been the traditional proposal gift for centuries, the notion of a men’s engagement gift has been less of a focus in the 21st century. However, recently the notion of an engagement gift for the future-groom is making a comeback!
There is an understanding and tradition, practiced by many, for the bride-to-be to give her future-husband a gift. For most, that gift is a watch. As with engagement rings, wedding watches are typically budgeted using the same rule of -three months of the bride-to-be’s salary.
So, the question is how did this tradition arise?
Up until the 1800s, gifts such as pins or cufflinks were a popular choice. However, after WW I, watches became known for marking a man’s status and therefore wristwatches took on the title of being an ideal engagement gift.
So, for all the men out there tired of being the only ones under stress and pressure when it comes to proposing- clue your woman in on this timeless tradition of an engagement watch! It is a wonderful custom that we find more and more of our customers taking part in.
Men make sure to share this article with your future ladies!