Note: Each sample box comes with a complimentary ring sizer. Sample rings purchased by international customers are not eligible.
CHOOSE YOUR RINGSExplore our range of engagement rings and receive your replicas at home.
Take up to 7 days to connect with your selections to help decide the one you love.
Once you decide on your ring go ahead and purchase the one you like. Return the replicas within 7 days with our prepaid return label.
Choose up to three design replicas that mirror the look and feel of our engagement rings, or wedding bands. Preview for up to 7 days and return using the prepaid shipping label provided.
Our home ring preview is absolutely free. We do however, put a $50 hold per ring on your credit card until the rings are returned. If the replica rings are not returned within 7 days we will have to charge your credit card.
A replica ring mirrors the look and feel of our engagement rings. The program ensures that you experience your ring at home so you can decide the right ring for you.
Our replica rings are made from sterling silver and cubic zirconia.
We offer replica rings between size 6 and 7.
Currently, our replica rings are only for US customers.
Typically you should receive your replica ring within 2-7 business days. However, availability of styles may result in a longer waiting period.
Currently, we offer three rings at a time. Please contact us at service@allurez.com or 800-554-3509 if you would like to explore previewing more styles.
There is no obligation to purchase a ring once you’ve previewed it.
You can preview your ring for up to 7 days before returning.